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  • Roman St Rita of Cascia Figure
  • Roman St Rita of Cascia Figure
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Roman Inc

Roman St Rita of Cascia Figure

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£13.00 GBP
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£13.00 GBP

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Roman St Rita of Cascia Figure
This lovely statue comes boxed with a prayer card to St. Rita. St. Rita is Patron Saint of impossible causes, difficult marriages, and parenthood. The St Rita statue is perfect for those with a special devotion to St Rita, or girls who have chosen Rita as a Confirmation name. Whatever your reasons for aspiring to this particular saint, the St Rita statue is a great way to remember this special Christian woman each day.
  • Material: Resin/Stone Mix
  • Statue Size: 3.5" (H)
  • Dimension of decorative window box: 6" H x 4 3/8" W x 1 3/8" D

On the front:

St. Rita

Patron of Impossible Causes

* Devoted to                                                                              *Prayer card included

   Christ's Passion.                                                                        Life story on back.


Prayer in

honor of 

St. Rita

O God, who didst vouchsafe

to communicate so great

grace to Saint Rita the she

imitated Thine example in 

the love of enemies and

bore in her heart and on her

countenance the sacred

marks of Thy love and

passion: grant, we beseech

Thee, by her merits and

intercession, that we may

love our enemies and ever

contemplate with deep

contrition the sorrows of 

Thy Passion: Who livest and 

reignest world without end.



On the back:

St. Rita 

Patron of Impossible Causes (1381-1457)


As a young girl, Rita was very interested in joining

Augustinian nuns at Cascia and devoting her

life to Christ.  However, at age 12 she was

betrothed and for nearly 20 years, she was married to an

abusive man who mistreated her often.  Her husband

died at the hands of enemies,  and although Rita's sons

were initially intent upon avenging their father's death,

their hearts were changed because of their mother's

prayers.  After the death of her husband and subsequent

deaths of her sons, Rita again felt a calling to 

religious life.  Because some of the sisters were relatives

of her husband's murderers, Rita was denied entry, out of 

concern that her admissioin would disrupt the religious

community.  As with all of the challenges of her life,

Rita responded with fervent prayer.  Her petitions

were answered with a peace that allowed Rita to 

enter the monastery of St. Mary Magdalen.  For 40

years, Sister Rita spent her time in prayer and charity,

and working for a lasting peace in the region.  She was

devoted to the Passion, and prayed to suffer as Christ

did.  In response, by a crown of thorns, and which bled

for 15 years.  Because she saw her dreams denied and

fulfilled through faith and prayer, St. Rita is the patron

of desperate and seemingly impossible situations.

Feast Day: May 22

Item # 40619